NORTH Consulting tekur þátt í verkefni um frumkvöðlafræðslu til ungmenna í sveitarfélaginu Bruntal í Tékklandi

NORTH Consulting, í samstarfi við sveitarfélagið Bruntal í Tékklandi tekur þátt í 13 mánaða verkefni styrkt af Uppbyggingarsjóði EES.

Verkefnið, sem hófst í ágúst 2021 og líkur um miðbik 2022, miðar að því að auka hæfni kennara og annars starfsfólks sveitarfélagsins í að stuðla að frumkvöðlafræðslu fyrir ungmenni í sveitarfélaginu í því miði að efla nýsköpun í samfélaginu og stofnun nýrra fyrirtækja.

Meginmarkmið verkefnisins er þannig að efla hæfni starfsfólks í Bruntal til að samþætta nýja kennslufræði við annað nám innan grunnskóla sem miðar sérstaklega að því að efla sköpunargáfu, auka frumkvöðlahæfni og styðja við óformlegt nám ungmenna og áhuga á að stofna eigið fyrirtæki. Meginmarkhópur verkefnisins eru kennarar og annað starfsfólk sveitarfélagsins sem vinnur að nýsköpun innan þess og munu í framhaldinu miðla áfram nýrri þekkingu til annarra kennara og starfsfólks um skapandi hugsun og frumkvöðlanám og þannig margfalda áhrif verkefnisins Þannig eru efri styrkþegar verkefnisins bæði kennarar og nemendur og unglingar í samfélaginu okkar.

Námsheimsóknir til beggja landa eru fyrirhugaðar. Þannig mun starfsfólk NORTH halda námskeið fyrir nemendur og kennara og annað starfsfólk í aðferðum frumkvöðlanáms og fulltrúar Bruntal munu koma í heimsókn til Íslands og fá innsýn í hvernig staðið er að frumkvöðlakennslu hér á landi.  Verkefnið eykur þannig bæði þekkingu og hæfni og getu til að samþætta skapandi nám og uppbyggingu frumkvöðlahæfni í venjulegt skólastarf. Verkefnið styrkir einnig tvíhliða samskipti samstarfsaðila ásamt því að vekja athygli á EES-styrkjum í báðum samstarfslöndunum.

Fleiri upplýsingar um Uppbyggingarsjóð EES og skóla- og fræðslustyrki er að finna á

NORTH Consulting participates in EEA Grants project on Green Entrepreneurship for Youth

The Entrepreneurial Youth For Green Europe Project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants funding programme. The objectives of the EEA Grants are: reduction of economic and social disparities in Europe, and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor countries and 15 EU countries In Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. The three donor countries cooperate closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). The donors have provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014. For the period 2014-2021, the EEA Grants amount to €1.55 billion. The priorities for this period are among others: development and promotion of the VET sector, including dual education system and cooperation between vocational education and training institutions and employers. More about EEA Grants at, including information about currently available funding.

The 24 month Entrepreneurial Youth For Green Europe Project benefits from a € 247 329 Our project, which started in May 2020 will develop an innovative training model for young entrepreneurs with a focus on the eco-friendly field.

In Entrepreneurial Youth For Green Europe NORTH Consulting partners with several organizations in Poland (The Ad Meritum Foundation, School Complex No. 3 in Kielce, The University of Łódź, Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski Construction and Vocational Training School Complex in Konin) and an educational consultancy from Norway (Newschool).

NORTH Consulting will share its experience of work with entrepreneurs and researchers in the education and entrepreneurship fields and will also evaluate the developments of project, particular NORTH Consulting:

– will share knowledge about the education system in Iceland including entrepreneurship and environmental education,

– will prepare a mobility of young people from Polish partner organisations and project team in Iceland, including: meetings with companies and organizations / institutions researching pro-ecological solutions and programs in the field of entrepreneurship and learning the methodology of implementing ETRI entrepreneurship,

– will share knowledge, experience, ideas, and mediate acquired knowledge and good practices in educational professional work with young people,

will facilitate learning about entrepreneurship education in schools, especially in the field of environmental protection.

Happy New Year NORTH clients and friends

NORTH wishes its clients and friends a very happy new year. While we very much welcome 2021 we are at the same time thankful for the challenges of 2020 as well as for all of our achievements during that year. We will start new projects in 2021 and hopefully enlarge our client base even further.

If you are a start-up company and need advise on where to start seeking funding for your innovation, don´t hesitate to contact us. We guide you through both Icelandic and international funding schemes. If you are a public entity, NGO or other type of organization and want to look into applying for funds through the new Erasmus+ and Creative Europe funding programmes, Nordplus, etc, we offer both our consultancy, writing and management services.

We look forward to a prosperous and fun 2021!

Píeta Ísland receives a large Erasmus+ grant to adapt and implement a sucide prevention course for 13-14 year old youth.

NORTH Consulting has for the past 3 years been working with the Pieta Island non-governmental organization that provides accessible psychological services and treatment to those at risk of suicide and self-harm. NORTH has supported the organization in strategy planning and recently wrote a successful Erasmus+ proposal that got funded for 159.000 euros. The 24 month project, entitled Building Resilience among Youth or BUILD, aims at adapting and implementing a successful learning course for 13-14 year old youth aimed at preventing suicidal thoughts and self-harming. The course has been implemented in Ireland since 2017. Pieta Island leads the project but other partners are Hafnarfjordur municipality, Athena Consulting in Ireland and The Social Innovation Fund in Lithuania. NORTH has been hired by Hafnarfjordur municipality to provide expert services in implementing the project in the municipality. We look forward to being part of this very exiting project.