
NORTH Consulting is a boutique consultancy operating out of Iceland.  Owned and managed by Maria Kristin Gylfadottir, a native of Iceland,

NORTH, or “norður” as we say in Icelandic, represents our home´s location on the world map. Iceland lies between latitudes 63 and 68°N, and longitudes 25 and 13°W  Being one of the four main directions NORTH is also the direction all other directions are measured from.

Our mission is to help companies, public entities and non-profit organisations in developing and delivering new products, projects and services. Doing so will improve their sustainability and profitability but also  contribute to a more inclusive and better society for all.

Our vision is simple: “Make the world a better place for YOU to work in and a better place for US to live in.”  We want to help the world discover your innovative ideas, products and services.  We use insight in our decision-making and we only take on projects we believe in.  We are honest consultants and we will tell you if we don´t think your idea can fly!


NORTH Consulting tekur þátt í verkefni um frumkvöðlafræðslu til ungmenna í sveitarfélaginu Bruntal í Tékklandi

NORTH Consulting, í samstarfi við sveitarfélagið Bruntal í Tékklandi tekur þátt í 13 mánaða verkefni styrkt af Uppbyggingarsjóði EES. Verkefnið, sem hófst í ágúst 2021 og líkur um miðbik 2022, miðar að því að auka hæfni kennara og annars starfsfólks sveitarfélagsins í að stuðla að frumkvöðlafræðslu fyrir ungmenni í sveitarfélaginu í því miði að efla …

NORTH Consulting participates in EEA Grants project on Green Entrepreneurship for Youth

The Entrepreneurial Youth For Green Europe Project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants funding programme. The objectives of the EEA Grants are: reduction of economic and social disparities in Europe, and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor countries and 15 EU countries In Central and Southern Europe and the …

Our Services

NORTH operates as an ecosystem – a structured community of experts building a bridge between their competences and your ideas. We offer companies, public entities and non-profit organisations a broad range of services.

We are a one-stop-shop for grant funding and also provide guidance on loan funding.  Our 360 degree service model brings your project idea to real life implementation. We guide you from idea inception through the application process and contract finalization.  When needed, we also provide project management support.  We focus attention on:

  • Horizon 2020 Grant funding, SME Instrument, Eurostars, COSME, new innovation demonstration projects as well as breakthrough research & innovations
  • EEA and Norway Grants funding, different priority sectors
  • Nordic funding – NEFCO, NordForsk, and NORDPLUS
  • Erasmus+ and Creative Europe Programmes
  • European financing mechanisms, European Investment Fund and InnoFin

We are your partner in business development, new product/service development and strategy planning.  Sometimes an outsider´s view is just the what you need to move forward with your business idea or your strategy planning. We help you develop your innovative  idea and provide you support in developing a strategy for your business or organization.

We can team up with your partnership as formal partner, particularly in entrepreneurship, education and culture oriented project, or in guiding you through the writing of a proposal and/or managing your project so that you don´t have to spend time on the hazzle of reporting.

We are your host in conferences and thematic workshops and help you in building up the spirit in your team.  We are practitioners of participatory leadership and as such believe that employee´s opinion is strength in decision-making. 

Our Clients

Our clients provide us the oxygen we need to breath.  We have had the privilege to work with a diverse group of clients and enjoyed every moment of getting to know them and their products and services better. 

The clients are public administrations and organizations, non-profit organizations and private companies and start-ups in Iceland and abroad. Below is a list of a few of our clients:

Contact Us

Want to know more about NORTH and our services?  
Email: maria@northconsulting.is or postur@northconsulting.is
Phone: +3548204752
Skype: maria.gylfadottir